Leverage the Power of Hypnosis to
Shoot Lower Scores

Learn how hypnosis can help make playing to your potential a habit.


What Hypnosis Is Not

Hypnosis is not:

  • Mind control
  • Brainwashing
  • Shouting the word “sleep” at you
  • Making you cluck like a chicken
  • “You are getting very sleepy,” with a clock watch

The hypnosis we’re talking about is not entertainment, or like some stage show performance you’ve seen in Vegas or on late-night TV.

It is a powerful tool for transformation that can change the reality and trajectory of your life - FAST.

It’s the primary technique I use to help entrepreneurs scale to seven and eight figures, poker players score six and seven-figure paydays, and golfers play to their potential and take home tournament trophies.

Think of hypnosis as a shortcut to unlearning the emotions, beliefs, and behaviors keeping you stuck by serving as a tool to unlock direct access to your subconscious mind.

Why is this important?


Your subconscious mind influences 95 percent of your behavior.

You can reach the origin of the learned emotions, beliefs, and behaviors (destructive mindset programs) keeping you stuck through hypnosis. And, you can rapidly unlearn these programs and upgrade them to help you thrive rather than survive.

So, what is hypnosis, exactly?

What Hypnosis Is

Hypnosis is a fancy word to describe “a state of deep relaxation aimed at effecting positive change.”

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. Depending on what time of day it is when you’re reading this, you’ve already been in a hypnotic state at least a few times.

This hypnotic state, which is characterized by the primary production of theta brain waves, is the state you’re in when:

  • You transition from sleeping to waking in the morning
  • You’re lost in a good book or TV show
  • You’re intensely focused on a project at work
  • You’re immensely present - in the zone - on the golf course
  • You transition from waking to sleeping at night

I share this to highlight that hypnosis is safe and that anyone, yes, even you, can be hypnotized.

Remember, it’s simply a state of deep relaxation, and you’re awake, alert, conscious, and in control every step of the way.

Harrison Wierse

Professional Golfer

"When I started working with Paul, I knew how to play golf but I didn't know how to play golf to my full potential.

I had so much more inside of me that Paul was able to bring out with his hypnotherapy and thanks to that my game has been trending in the right direction.

I feel more confident in my decisions and my scores are proof of that.

My only regret is not starting to work with Paul earlier in my career."

Luke Barton

8 >> 2.1 Handicap Golfer, Business Development Director

Paul’s mindset coaching helped me achieve a new mindset and game-plan for executing critical putts and scoring my best on the course!

With his thoughtful guidance, we identified the ‘busy/anxious’ thoughts that were running on auto-pilot and found a solution to foster confidence standing over those short, must-make putts.

Initially, I wasn’t sure what to expect with hypnosis, but I was pleasantly surprised by how beneficial and effective it was. The results have been great both on and off the course as I approach things from a fresh perspective and with an intentional plan for success!

To anyone looking to improve, compete, and find a path to your potential, I highly recommend working with Paul!

Jeff Hermon

7.3 hcp Golfer and IT Professional

"When I started working with Paul, I expected the focus to be solely on improving my golf game.

I thought I would leave with a hypnosis session tailored for the course.

However, it turned out to be so much more. Paul delved into my personal history, uncovering things I hadn't realized were holding me back.

He has evolved into a life coach, making a profound impact on my entire life, not just my golf.

How Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis uses the power of neuroplasticity and intentional time spent in a theta brain wave states to unblock stuck emotions (anger, guilt, shame, grief, and more) and reprogram your limiting beliefs.

When you can unblock these emotions and unlearn the collection of beliefs that no longer serve you, you can have a powerful, positive effect on your actions, results, and identity.


How Hypnosis Leverages Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is the brain's remarkable ability to rewire, grow, and reorganize itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. Your brain constantly responds to and updates based on positive and negative experiences.

When you expose yourself to a new way of thinking and doing, your brain creates neural pathways, which serve as efficient routes to execute behavior.


The more time, energy, and emotion spent experiencing a particular belief, the more ingrained and efficient this behavior becomes.

The challenge you come up against, however, when attempting to change your way of thinking or doing, is non-stop communication from your inner critic, which is the voice that says things like:

  • “That will never work.”
  • “What a stupid idea.”
  • “Why would you even think that?”

In hypnosis, you can bypass your conscious mind's critical, judgmental voice, making it easier to tap into creativity and connect with your highest selves. You can freely think and create without doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs. 

By using the power of neuroplasticity and repeated exposure to your goals in hypnosis, your brain begins to see and find new opportunities to achieve them and facilitates feelings of safety in achieving them, too.

How Hypnosis Harnesses the Power of Theta Brain Waves


When you're in a hypnotic state, your brain produces what are known as theta brain waves. This is a magical, powerful state of mind - the same state children live in constantly for the first seven years.

This state allows children to have vivid imaginations and immense creativity and believe they can do anything and everything. They’re directly connected to the power of their subconscious mind.

Additionally, when in this hypnotic state, you’re highly suggestible and open to new perspectives, beliefs, and changes.

Researchers estimate that 95 percent of your beliefs are formed before age seven.

During this period, your programs around money, success, love, winning, and self-worth were created and your beliefs about how worthy, deserving, and capable you believe you are.

And everything you have is a byproduct of what you believe you are worthy and capable of at this very moment.

Read that again…

Your parents, upbringing, society, and environment influence these beliefs and programs. In turn, they form the lenses through which you see the world, and, as a child, you begin to accept this way of thinking and feeling as truth.

As you go about childhood, these beliefs and their associated behaviors are practiced repeatedly, reinforcing and strengthening these pathways. They eventually become automatic, unconscious reactions.

Without even knowing it, you begin practicing:

  • Playing It Safe
  • People Pleasing
  • anxiety
  • fear of failure
  • scarcity
  • perfectionism
  • overthinking
  • low self-esteem
  • self-doubt
  • procrastination
  • …and other self-sabotaging behaviors for decades.

Important to know is that these learned behaviors are designed to keep you safe.

They’re designed to meet your childhood needs of feeling loved, accepted, validated, and like you belong. These are core human needs; your subconscious will do whatever is necessary to meet them.

So, after decades of thinking a certain way, your brain has created a hard-wired signature, “a way of thinking.”

The collection of your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors forms the blueprint of your personality - your identity.

In reality, however, you must learn to identify and undo highly memorized behaviors.

At first glance, erasing beliefs and behaviors designed to protect you may seem impossible and daunting. That’s because the common mistake and where most people go wrong is that they try to change their behavior - they attempt to solve a deep-rooted issue with a surface-level solution.

This is like trimming the top of a weed in your garden every morning rather than digging deep and plucking the entire root system.

If you want to change your behavior, you must change your beliefs. Your beliefs reside in your subconscious mind, so you must reprogram it.

Hypnosis provides a safe, effective, and influential path to changing the beliefs that no longer serve you because it allows you to re-enter the theta-brain wave states in which these destructive mindset programs were created.

In turn, you can begin to unlearn and eliminate them and create new, empowering beliefs that align with your desired future.


Hypnosis allows you to reprogram your mind and shift your behavior to align with the success you want to achieve - both on and off the golf course.


For a deeper dive into the science behind hypnosis, check out Episode #7 of The Scratch Golfer’s Podcast, “Hypnosis to Shoot Lower Scores.”

How Hypnosis Can Help You Improve Your Golf Game

As a mindset coach and hypnotherapist, I use hypnosis to help golfers…

  • Improve focus
  • Cultivate confidence on-demand
  • Enhance emotional resiliency
  • Perform under pressure
  • Effortlessly find flow (and fun)
  • Learn how to experience a sense of ease in letting go of past mistakes

Even more, I help defuse the toxic emotions that arise when encountering any one of the countless triggers on - or off - the course so that they can consciously respond rather than unconsciously react.

As we both know, golf is much more of a mental and emotional game than a physical game.

When your mind is filled with doubt, worry, and distraction, you cannot bring the necessary focus and presence required to execute your routines and hit the shot you know you’re capable of making.

You tense up when anger, frustration, and excitement permeate your body. Your muscles tighten, impairing your ability to execute a smooth and fluid swing, which produces more anger and frustration.

These emotions and mental states are learned.

They can also be unlearned.

Below is a graphic representing some of the most common mental and emotional hazards golfers face that, if not addressed, keep them stuck in the proverbial bunker of poor performance.



Difficulty quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment during shots.


Managing Emotions After Mistakes:

Struggling to bounce back mentally after making mistakes or hitting poor shots.


Maintaining Focus During Rounds:

Difficulty staying focused and avoiding distractions during competitive rounds or practice sessions.


Frustration with Plateaus:

Feeling stuck and unable to progress despite efforts to improve.


Self-Pressure to Perform:

Putting excessive pressure on oneself to meet high expectations, often leading to anxiety.


Imposter Syndrome:

Feeling like a fraud or unworthy of success, especially when comparing oneself to other skilled golfers.


Dealing with Performance Anxiety:

Nervousness and tension before and during important rounds or tournaments.


Fear of Failure on the Course:

Anxiety about making mistakes or performing poorly during competitive rounds.


Maintaining Confidence During Slumps:

Feeling doubts about one's abilities and struggling to regain confidence after a period of poor play.


with Peers:

Constantly comparing one's performance and progress to other golfers, leading to feelings of inadequacy.


Balancing Golf and Personal Life:

Struggling to find a balance between golf commitments and personal or professional responsibilities.


Feeling Shame Asking for Mindset Coaching:

Ego and stubbornness slow results by preventing you from asking for the help you need.

Leverage the Power of Hypnosis to Shoot Lower Scores

If you’re serious about getting out of your own way and playing to your potential - on and off the course - here are three resources to help you get started.


Download my Free

“Play Your Best Round” Hypnosis Audio Recording (.mp3)

Explore My Library of Unique Hypnosis Audio Recordings

Purchase a downloadable hypnosis audio recording designed to help you take a specific aspect of your game to the next level.

Putt with Confidence

Stop Short-Game Sabotage

Conquer Tee Box jitters
